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Monday, August 2, 2010

Iggy Speaks On Lepreau Refurbishments

(Michael Ignatieff gives a speech at Paul Zed's BBQ)
(Photo by Sherry Aske)

A crowd of people turned up to watch Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff roll into town on the Liberal Express.

Ignatieff was in Rothesay last night for a barbecue at former MP Paul Zed's house.

He spoke about his stance on the Point Lepreau refurbishments, saying his focus as a federal politician is that Stephen Harper has walked away from the Canadian nuclear industry for the past four years.

Ignatieff says we need to make sure we have nuclear technologies and the capacity to repair our nuclear stations.

He says we're losing nuclear scientists almost daily now, and the responsibility for that is ultimately not with AECL, but with the Conservative government.