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Monday, December 5, 2011

Local Historians Looking For Rockwood Park To Be Protected

Local park enthusiasts, professors and historians want Rockwood park to be named the City's only Cultural Landscape. 

Protecting the park would make sure it stays pristine for future generations and not be sold off for condos and the like.
In a letter to Common council, local historians David Goss and Harold E. Wright point to the park's use for all sorts of recreational activities over the years, from the zoo, to spelunking, and riding. They maintain that it's a key part of the city's history.
There are precedents for the park's long time protection, like King Square and the Old Burying Grounds.

Rockwood Park is considered unique because it's a largely rural park in the city center. 

Council is being asked to forward the request to the Heritage Development Board for further consideration.